KAS20 behrotest reagent canister set with 2 canisters for H2O and NaOH with leve

KAS20 behrotest reagent canister set with 2 canisters for H2O and NaOH with leve
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Order-No.: 104849020 334,50 € for 1 piece plus VAT (19%) plus shipping costs
behrotest reagent canister set with 2 canisters for H2O and NaOH with level sensor
(-) Technical data:
Product type description: KAS 20
Nominal volume: 20 l

Accessory of:

  • B00218025
    S1 behr steam distillation unit automatic addition of NaOH one-button operation
  • B00233702
    S2 behr steam distillation unit dispenses NaOH & H2O