Eye Wash Station WINLAB® DUO emergency eye wash station in a dust-proof wall box

Eye Wash Station WINLAB® DUO emergency eye wash station in a dust-proof wall box
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Order-No.: 100360016 98,00 € for 1 piece plus VAT (19%) plus shipping costs
Eye Wash Station, WINLAB® DUO emergency eye wash station in a dust-proof wall box

Eye  wash  station  DUO  for  simultaneous  washing  of  both  eyes,supplied in a dust-proof wall box. With a pH-neutral DUO eye wash bottle containing 500 ml of sterile phosphate buffer solution (4.9%) and a DUO eye wash bottle with 1,000 ml sodium chloride solution (0.9%). With wall mount, pictogram, and mirror. Suitable in particular for use at workstations where the eyes may come into contact with acids, bases, and foreign particles.

For optimum first-aid in case of eye accidents.
For effective eye washing in just 1 to 2 steps!
Complete with a 200 ml sterile pH-NEUTRAL bottle as an effective phosphate buffer in
case of accidents involving acids, and 500 ml 0.9% sodium chloride solution for further
(-) Technical data:
Reg. Trademark: Winlab®