Eye Wash Bottles, WINLAB®DUO Eye wash bottle, 500 ml

Eye Wash Bottles, WINLAB®DUO Eye wash bottle, 500 ml
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Order-No.: 100360012 32,45 € for 1 piece plus VAT (19%) plus shipping costs
Eye Wash Bottles, WINLAB® DUO Eye wash bottle, 500 ml

DUO Eye wash bottle, 500 ml pH neutral, for simultaneous washing of both eyes

Neutralizing eye rinse solution:
For protection in case of accidents with acids and lyes. The eyewash bottle is filled with 4.9% phosphate buffer solution which neutralizes the harmful substances in acids and lyes and, if the eye is washed sufficiently, returns the pH level in the area of the eye to the normal pH of 7.3.
(-) Technical data:
Reg. Trademark: Winlab®