vial-screw cap-N13-4,0 ml-14,75x45 mm-amber

vial-screw cap-N13-4,0 ml-14,75x45 mm-amber
The picture may be different from the article and can include supply, which is not in the standard scope.
Order-No.: 09505002 31,10 € for 100 piece plus VAT (19%) plus shipping costs
volume scales
from per Price Comment
100 100 piece 31,10 €  
1000 100 piece 26,44 €  
vial - screw cap - N13 - 4,0 ml - 14,75x45 mm - amber
(-) Technical data:
Product type description: Autosampler Probengläser
Reg. Trademark: ISOLAB Laborgeräte GmbH®
Material: Glass
Asepsis: No
stability (days): 3650
EAN Code: 4250362644015
(-) Compliance information:
WEEE obligation: No


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