Articles like: Körbe aus Lochblech, 8 mm Quadratlochung, Edelstahl-Lochblech, W-Nr. 1.4301, Ble
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Art. No. | Description | Price | Width | Height | Depth | Material | |
397312510 | Wire baskets, 100 x 100 x 100 mm (WxHxD), Stainless steel | 34,00 Euro for 1 piece | 100 mm | 100 mm | 100 mm | Stainless steel | |
397312512 | Wire baskets, 120 x 120 x 120 mm (WxHxD), Stainless steel | 36,00 Euro for 1 piece | 120 mm | 120 mm | 120 mm | Stainless steel | |
397312514 | Wire baskets, 140 x 140 x 140 mm (WxHxD), Stainless steel | 41,00 Euro for 1 piece | 140 mm | 140 mm | 140 mm | Stainless steel | |
397312516 | Wire baskets, 160 x 160 x 160 mm (WxHxD), Stainless steel | 44,00 Euro for 1 piece | 160 mm | 160 mm | 160 mm | Stainless steel | |
397312518 | Wire baskets, 180 x 180 x 180 mm (WxHxD), Stainless steel | 51,00 Euro for 1 piece | 180 mm | 180 mm | 180 mm | Stainless steel | |
397312520 | Wire baskets, 200 x 200 x 200 mm (WxHxD), Stainless steel | 56,00 Euro for 1 piece | 200 mm | 200 mm | 200 mm | Stainless steel | |
51208711010 | Körbe aus Lochblech, 8 mm Quadratlochung, Leichtmetall-Lochblech (Alu), Blechdic Körbe aus Lochblech, 8 mm Quadratlochung, Leichtmetall-Lochblech (Alu), Blechdicke 1.5 mm, Nenngröße: 10 x 10 x 10 cm | Price on request for 1 piece | 100 mm | 100 mm | 100 mm | Aluminium | |
51208711212 | Körbe aus Lochblech, 8 mm Quadratlochung, Leichtmetall-Lochblech (Alu), Blechdic Körbe aus Lochblech, 8 mm Quadratlochung, Leichtmetall-Lochblech (Alu), Blechdicke 1.5 mm, Nenngröße: 12 x 12 x 12 cm | Price on request for 1 piece | 120 mm | 120 mm | 120 mm | Aluminium | |
51208711414 | Körbe aus Lochblech, 8 mm Quadratlochung, Leichtmetall-Lochblech (Alu), Blechdic Körbe aus Lochblech, 8 mm Quadratlochung, Leichtmetall-Lochblech (Alu), Blechdicke 1.5 mm, Nenngröße: 14 x 14 x 14 cm | Price on request for 1 piece | 140 mm | 140 mm | 140 mm | Aluminium | |
51208711616 | Körbe aus Lochblech, 8 mm Quadratlochung, Leichtmetall-Lochblech (Alu), Blechdic Körbe aus Lochblech, 8 mm Quadratlochung, Leichtmetall-Lochblech (Alu), Blechdicke 1.5 mm, Nenngröße: 16 x 16 x 16 cm | Price on request for 1 piece | 160 mm | 160 mm | 160 mm | Aluminium | |
51208711818 | Körbe aus Lochblech, 8 mm Quadratlochung, Leichtmetall-Lochblech (Alu), Blechdic Körbe aus Lochblech, 8 mm Quadratlochung, Leichtmetall-Lochblech (Alu), Blechdicke 1.5 mm, Nenngröße: 18 x 18 x 18 xm | Price on request for 1 piece | 180 mm | 180 mm | 180 mm | Aluminium | |
51208712020 | Körbe aus Lochblech, 8 mm Quadratlochung, Leichtmetall-Lochblech (Alu), Blechdic Körbe aus Lochblech, 8 mm Quadratlochung, Leichtmetall-Lochblech (Alu), Blechdicke 1.5 mm, Nenngröße: 20 x 20 x 20 cm | Price on request for 1 piece | 200 mm | 200 mm | 200 mm | Aluminium |