Articles like: WinLab® Digital pH electrode

WinLab® Digital pH electrode

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Reg. Trademark: Winlab®
Shaft material: Plastic
Category: electrodes
Show all electrodes from Windaus
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  Art. No. Description Price Connection Type of thermocouple
100300095 WinLab® Digital pH electrode
WinLab® Digital pH electrode with integrated transmitter suitable for long transmission distances (up to 100 metres), provides stable measuring signals, with identification code and recording of calibration data
Price on request for 1 piece
610300030 WinLab pH/T30 combination combination electrode
WinLab® pH/T30 combination combination electrode- for WinLab® excellent line With integrated temperature sensor and WinLab connector seal with 1 m cable and BNC connector (analogue)
136,00 Euro for 1 piece Cable with BNC plug PT100