COD Workstations, Behr

Model PA-CSB COD sample digestor systems

Equipment configuration for simultaneous EPA, ISO or DIN method digestion of up to 6 or 12 COD samples. Systems consist of the following components:

  • Microprocessor-controlled TRS 300 time/temperature regulator with COD program
  • Precision heating block CSB/E for RG2 vessels
  • Holding frame E/B for RG2 sample vessels
  • Cooling bath KW/N with mounting for E/B frame
  • Sample vessels RG 2
  • Air-cooled condensers LK 1
  • Condenser stand LS for LK condensers


 ArticleOrder No.
 PA-CSB 680 48 80000

COD digestor system for up to 6 simultaneous samples

(1) PA-CSB 1280 48 80001
 COD digestor system for up to 12 simultaneous samples 

Model PB-CSB/M for complete COD analysis

Complete workstations for simultaneous EPA, ISO or DIN method determination of up to 6 or 12 COD samples. Manual reagent addition and titration. A workstation consists of the following:

  • Microprocessor-controlled TRS 300 time/temperature regulator with COD program
  • Precision heating block CSB/E for RG 2 vessels
  • Holding frame E/B for RG 2 sample vessels
  • Cooling bath KW/N with mounting for E/B frame
  • Multi-position magnetic stirrer SM 12/N to fit vessel frame E 12/B (only with PB-CSB 12/M)
  • Sample vessels RG 2
  • Set of 12 magnetic stirrer bars MRST 2
  • Boiling chips SIST 100, 100 g
  • COD air-cooled condenser LK 1
  • Condenser stand LS for LK condensers
  • Set of 12 PTFE std. taper joint sleeves PTFE 29
  • Transport carrier TS CSB for vessel frame E/B
  • Manual titration station HT 1


 ArticleOrder No.
 PB-CSB 6/M80 48 80002

Complete COD workstation for up to 6 simultaneous samples

(2) PB-CSB 12/M80 48 80003
 Complete COD workstation for up to 12 simultaneous samples 

Fully automatic reagent metering/titration unit DT 10

Fully automatic reagent metering and titration for the DIN 38409 H 41 COD method. Reagent addition and titration of up to 12 simultaneous samples. Automatic draining of titrated waste solution. Simple user-friendly operation under MS Windows interface. Sample date can be stored and processed in MS Access.

Reagent delivery: Delivery of COD reagents in optimal timed intervals (IAW DIN) prevents sample overheating. Up to 30 separate syringe drive reagent modules can be controlled by the DT 10.

Titration: Freely definable "methods" such as end-point, equivalence, linear, dynamic and quasi-dynamic titrations may be programmed. Several password-protected user levels. Graphical output with first and second derivatives. Sample data to be printed is freely selectable. All national COD analysis procedures may be implemented as "methods".

Within the 330 × 220 mm working area, the DT 10 can be modified to access arrays consisting of various numbers and sizes of vessel. Useable for all reagent metering and titration applications.


 ArticleOrder No.
(3) Fully automatic metering/titration unit DT 1080 48 24400

Accessories for behrotest® COD workstations


 ArticleOrder No.
 behrotest® multiple magnetic stirrer SM 12/N80 48 30048

Infinitely variable multiple magnetic stirrer for up to 12 reaction vessels simultaneously. For stirring in sulfuric acid (use under water) and for expelling chloride in accordance with DIN 38409. The heat produced by adding acid is evenly distributed and stratification prevented (less risk of defervescence).

 ArticleOrder No.€/pc
 behrotest® COD magnetic stirrer80 48 30050
 Magnetic stirrer for retitration, suitable for titrating systems and for preventing stratification prior to the heating phase (lower risk of defervescence).
 ArticleOrder No.€/pc
(4) behrotest® metering funnel80 48 30200
 For controlled feeding of potassium chromate and sulfuric acid.
 ArticleOrder No.€/Pack
 behrotest® boiling chips, pack = 100 g80 48 30700
 To prevent boiling retardation.

without the illustrated accessories

behrotest® reaction vessels


 ArticleOrder No.
 Type RG 180 48 30011
 175 ml capacity, standard ground joint NS 29, 40,8 mm dia., 100 ml marking, without vessel adapter
 ArticleOrder No.€/pc
 Ttype RG 280 48 30012
 with vessel adapter for inserting and removing up to 12 reaction vessels at a time from the heating block
 ArticleOrder No.€/pc
 behrotest® COD reaction vessel KM 180 48 30014
 COD reaction vessel with vessel adapter, 250 ml capacity, for COD determination according to DIN/DEV 38409 H 43 and for mercury determination according to DIN/DEV 38406-E 12-3
 ArticleOrder No.€/pc
 Air cooler LK 1, NS 29, to DIN80 48 30031
 ArticleOrder No.€/pc
(5) HCI absorber80 48 30071
 As defined in DIN 38409 H41-2, for stripping chloride at an expected C content of 1000 mg/l. Can be mounted on all behrotest reaction vessels. Accelerated stripping using the series magnetic stirrer or the BR 2 rotation device.




